"Long Time No See!"
Has it really been ten years?? I haven't realy bought much since the last post, but all that changed last year when Hasbro finally got their act together and created an entirely new line of Transformers along with a new Netflix series! I started watching it tonight at the YMCA whilst on the treadmill and really got into it. Some people may not care for it, but I do.
I was honing my Amazon wish list last year and couldn't really think of much I wanted or needed, and then I came across the new War For Cybertron collection and was really impressed at how much more detailed these things have become! For instance:

Ultra Magnus! I remember when this came out in the 1980's and the look and feel of it was...less than thrilling. Not many moving parts and no articulation plus a hefty price tag equals no thank you. But the second time around looks like a home run.

Hound! This was one I always wanted when I was a kid mainly because he was a cool looking Jeep in vehicle mode. Alas, this never came true, and I had all but given up hope when I found this one on Amazon.

Bluestreak! When the G1 was released he didn't look like much fun, but I always hoped that someday Hasbro would do something more with it. Only took...35 years? Oy.

Sideswipe! I really wanted the G1 from 1984 when it came out but due to no money plus...you know...being nine years old, I never acquired him. Now that he has a second life, he looks a lot more...car like? Yeah that's a word.

Wheeljack! This was one of the original G1 class I got for Christmas in 1984 and was probably my favourite, but of course as with all my old ones, they got taken apart with a screwdriver and I could never figure out how to put them back together. This one though is a pretty good replica and it doesn't look as boxy as the original.

Thrust! So far the only Deception I have acquired as of now, but there are a few more I'd like to get. So pricey though! Soon enough. I think I ha this one when I was younger, but I'm not sure.

Red Alert! An obvious duplcate of Sideswipe, but with some cooler lettering and colours. He actually has a pretty big role in the new WFC show which kind of surprised me.
I keep most of my stuff NMIB (near mint in box), but if the pandemic has taught me anything, it's that being at home will bring out the kid in someone and things might start getting opened! So far I have been showing incredible willpoer and restraint, but I get these urges from time to time. Stay tuned as I try to find a few more to round out this generation's collection!