"May The Toys Be With You"
You could say this is my personal mantra, seeing as how I would collect everything under the sun if I could. Hey, if work keeps giving out gift cards, that very well may happen. Here are a few things Star Wars-related that you may not have seen the firs ttime around:
If I knew how to use a yo-yo somewhat effectively, I might open this one up. But, the last time I checked, I do not.
Found this at Target just sitting there all by itself, so I knew I had to give it a home. The truth is, I'd love to open it up and do something creative, but I bet one of my fellow eBayers would like it pristine instead.
This is probably the prize of my collection. I ordered this off Starwars.com back in 1999 and I have never seen one in the stores or on eBay.
I refer you to my yo-yo skills as to why I have not opened this up. But I can imagine how a game of chess would go between Darth Vader and one of his minions:
Vader: "Bishop to C2."
Minion: "Um, I'm sorry Lord Vader, but you can't move your bishop there."
Vader: "What!?"
(minion chokes to death...which is ironic considering they're on the 'Death" Star)
This is about all I managed to collect that wasn't an actual action figure. I shall add more if The Force allows me...which it usually does.
Labels: star wars
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