The Ultimate Toy Collector's Paradise

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Welcome to my collectable home away from home! Here you will find everything I have that might be sold for more then I paid for it someday...(crossing fingers)

Friday, June 15, 2007

"Look Out..." comes the Spiderman!! Haven't seen the 3rd installment yet but according to the $300+ million it's taken in already it must be good. So, I thought I would look and see what Spidey collectibles I have amassed over the years. And boy, it ain't many:

The only actual action figure I ever collected of him, he looks a lot like the toys that came out recently, so...why not save $7.99?

Christmas time is always a fun time at our house, and part of the reason is the eccentric collection of ornaments on the ol' fake tree.

I really enjoy being Venom on the Marvel vs. X-Men arcade game due to the fact he can use his suit to capture the enemy while I wail on him with other stuff.

So far, this is the only things I have found that captured my interest. Will more come? Well I sure hope so! Wouldn't be a toy guy if I didn't always look to the future.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

November 10, 2008 at 8:46 PM  

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