"And Now A Word From Our Sponsor..."
Well, they're not really our sponsor. Heck, if I had a sponsor I would quit my job and live off of him. But a fellow toy enthusiast contacted me the other day...or, rather, weeks ago, and asked if I would feature his website on my site and he would do the same for me. Well, who am I to refuse such a cool offer:

Trains man! You want 'em, Stephen's got 'em! Anything and everything you could need to start, add to or complete your own model train can be found at his web site of Lionel Train Set. You can click this link or the title of this post to see everything he has to offer. I also put a link to the left for future reference.

When I was a kid we had a toy train set I got for Christmas. I remember you had to squirt this liquid smoke in the locomotive and it would puff out as it traveled around in circles. As kids we always think there is nothing cooler. Now the only train I ever ride is at Six Flags ha ha.