...but, I guess I wasn't. Checked out WallyWorld this morning purely on a whim and it looks like the truck that brings all the Transformers has finally arrived! I never thought I'd say this, but Toys 'R' Us officially is worthless! All they have is crap no one wants and they run out of what people do want way too fast. Here is what I picked up:

I think we were all happy when his second version of Camaro in the movie was finally produced. But man, I could not find him anywhere!

Anyone remember him from the movie? Didn't think so. No problem! What I love about him is you just don't see this one overstocked. Worth something someday? I sure hope so!
Optimus Prime

How could I not add this one eh? Again, overstocking not an issue as this is literally the first one I have seen in 5+ months of searching. VERY proud of finding him.
So now what? I've spent the last seven months creating this site to showcase my collection. Is it impressive? Well, to me it is. My garage has a few useful things but plenty of "collector items". Who knows what the future is for them. I can't wait for my son to (maybe) take it up on his own. He may wanna open them first though. LOL I say let him.
Labels: transformers